Leadership Blind Spots: Are You Missing It?

“It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.” – Batman***

There are times in our lives when we just don’t think straight. Maybe we wake up with a headache or on the wrong side of the bed or we have an argument with a spouse or significant other that is worse than usual. These are a few of the things that can displace our thoughts and derail our concentration. When this happens, we might just behave badly. We might be a bit off kilter. We might say things or do things that don’t make sense, or that don’t line up with what leaders should do. We might have to push just a little harder to invoke critical thinking skills or muster up that pep talk that some needs to hear. It is imperative that we manage our minds, control our conversations, mind our manners and maintain discipline in our deeds; after all, when in leadership, someone is always watching. So while perfection is not a realistic expectation, a level head and common sense most definitely are.

The world has been examining, praying and fighting against the Coronavirus since early 2020. We watched as those countries that were hit first and hardest with it, address it in multiple, yet similar ways, giving us more than a glimpse of how we could swiftly contain it and work to abate it in our own country. Since then, according to multiple online Covid updates, China experienced a total of 89,326 cases of Covid, 82,870 people recovered, and therefore only 4,636 people died from the virus as of January 26, 2021. On the contrary, The U.S. reports a little over 25.8 million cases and just over 437,000 deaths from Coronavirus. China serves as an important benchmark for identifying what works and what may be less effective for others to implement. Regardless of who they are or whether the virus started there or not, they are well able to serve as an illustration in containing the spread of the virus. Even with strained relations with China, we can look at what they have done to slow the spread of the virus and look at other countries as well to determine the best course of action. Their president even addressed the G20 Summit leaders and stated we should fight the pandemic together globally, so all could get back to growing their economies. In the scheme of things, it makes sense… All hands on deck!

Every leader has a blind spot or two or three or four… A leadership blind spot is an area in which a leader is missing the mark because he or she is does not see their own deficit. It can be an area where the individual lacks skill or training or an area where they can function competently but for some reason are ignoring the need to do so and thus are not. An example might be the sloppy manner in which our country’s leaders have handled the pandemic up until now.

Leaders Ignored World Examples that Could Have Saved Lives and Encouraged Unity

While unity across the nations may or may not be in play, what each country has been doing, including China, to ward off the virus has been publicized one way or another enough for all of us, across the world to have great insights into the Dos and Don’ts of Covid-19… Full lockdowns with few or no exceptions, handwashing, no large gatherings, shut downs of public transportation, restricted travel, quarantine for travelers and above all else, unity, agreement, teamwork, coordination, collaboration and unison.
Saying the same thing, “We’ll get through this.”
Doing the same things: handwashing, sheltering in place, wearing masks and following the leaders.

Yet, the U.S. continues to have political leaders imparting thoughts that contradict the objectives and goals that have been identified for the health and safety of its citizens. We still have people fighting the wearing of masks… wait, masks?! Yes masks!

This is where I have to believe the political leaders of yesteryear woke up one sunny winter morning in January 2021, having slept through the last 12 months, and in their slumbered stupor, did not understand why Americans had suddenly donned masks in public and private places. When they discovered that mayors and governors had invoked mandates for public safety, they then decided to try to unravel progress and disavow protection in the name of individual freedom! Talk about half sleep… blind leadership.

Leaders Implemented Masks in Hospitals for a Reason

Somewhere in history, like the early 20th century, masks were recommended for surgeons and
Surgical nurses during surgery. As it began to take root, more use in the prevention of widespread epidemics and pandemics occurred with various plagues and epidemics. Over time, doctors, dentists, and nurses would wear them, as they do now, while treating patients. The masks were used to prevent large droplets of bodily fluids that may contain viruses or other germs from escaping via the nose and mouth. My point? Masks were not invented yesterday to protect from disease. At some point, since 1905, hospital and clinic leaders, and ultimately OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) in the U.S., enforced the use of masks to limit exposure to sickness and disease in relevant locations. Leaders must know that if masks help people from contracting illness. So why say anything other than what people need to hear?
Speak the truth so that those who follow you will be led in a direction that leads somewhere and not astray.

Clsoing Thoughts

To lead others in a direction other than what is best for them is an attempt to harm, not help them. Is this a blind spot of ignorance or one of selfish ambition? We are back to political gain (which we’ve talked about in posts passed). In an attempt to appease constituents who believe that wearing a mask limits their freedom to choose illness, some political leaders are attempting to rally votes for future political races. They are hoping to win their seats again. Their blind spot has led to blind leadership in that they have missed the fact that people want to be led by someone who can think for themselves and who will say and do what is right, not what someone else wants, or tells them to say or do. That, my dear is not leadership it is a failed version of followship. Failed only because they have missed the fact that they are wrong and they are out of their own league. Blind Spots lead to mistakes and mistakes lead to flawed leadership.

The only answer I can offer is a three tiered one:
1. Think
2. Think
3. Then Think!

Kind Regards!
Photo by Johannes Rapprich from Pexels