Congratulations! You’ve Learned the Mysteries of Trailblazing

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path & leave a trail.” – Ralph W. Emerson***

Some years ago, I received a public recognition and award for being a trailblazer in my field. I was honored of course, and pleasantly surprised. The individuals who nominated me were somewhat surprising as well. One was a “friendly” comrade, the other had not always been a fan. Nonetheless, they felt strongly enough to nominate me for this community award and recognition. I recently thought about this honor, as the “trailblazer” title has been haunting me lately, prompting me to do better and be better. Did I ever learn the mysteries of trailblazing? Did I plan to earn such a title? After all, I didn’t sit down one day and say to myself, “Hey! I want to be a trailblazer!” But somewhere along the line someone thought of me as such. Hmmm….

A trailblazer is defined as one who blazes a trail that others can follow, in areas that have not yet been charted. When I think back about it, I feel myself wondering where that trailblazing woman is today. Having accomplished a number of goals that were on my list of things to do, I am forced to explore, what makes a person a trailblazer and how does that happen? Not only that but how does one continue on that path of accomplishment?

I don’t believe it is only relegated to the young. Some think I am still that person, but after arriving at a point where all the trailblazing seems to be behind me and yet knowing I’m not ready to be sent out to pasture as I chew on the grassy blades of past accomplishments. It’s soul searching, spirit exploration time!

Trailblazing is Not the Goal, It’s the Destination

I’m not trying to toot my own horn but I am trying to reason through past accomplishments in an effort to create the next chapters so I can finish the job I have been assigned to do in this world. We all reach a crossroads before advancing to new trails. I’m simply including you in my journey to help you prepare for yours.

I have admired many who keep moving, shaking and accomplishing throughout their lives. I decided in the midst of life and living that I always want to have a positive impact on those around me… otherwise why would I be here? Some might say, for my enjoyment. I say, if it’s only for my own pleasure, Heaven might be a better more consistent option. Since I’m still here, I have more work to do. I can enjoy the benefits of the journey in the process of doing.

What does a trailblazing leader need, to blaze trails of accomplishment? I began to dig, read and reflect and identified Five Rules for Trailblazing Accomplishments.

1. Be Creative

Before we create something we have to have seen something somewhere that serves as a foundational measure to start with. For example, it would be challenging to create a beautifully different shoe if I had never seen a shoe before. The ultimate creativity may come from dreaming of a shoe before any shoes were made, however most greatness comes by building on others’ past greatness. In the world of faith, we call that painting something on the canvas of our imagination. We paint the canvas by exposing ourselves to greater. When we expose ourselves to great things we begin to see ourselves with greater… greater than what we had before…greater than what others say we can have… greater than what we previously thought possible. The new canvas helps us dream bigger and reach for better. We see beyond the complacency, the status quo and the mediocre.

2. Be Strategic

“Plan your work and work your plan” the words of my pastor of fifteen years. He got a hold of my young adult mind, while I was just starting out in my professional career; growing and finding my way into the world of adulting. He taught me a lot about leadership, in word and deed and those classic words have stayed with me since.

3. Be Inclusive

None of us have all the answers. Listening to the input of others who share a passion for what we’re working towards and who believe it can be done is an essential step in the road to trailblazing success. That’s what we would call “like-minded others.”

These are individuals who think like we think and who are not opposed to the project or process. We can easily trip ourselves up if we allow naysayers too much input in or access to the work we are embarking on. Yes, they may have valuable insight but it is unlikely that that insight is not tainted with a perspective of doubt and negativity. That creates contaminated information that may poison your quest. As we talked about in last week’s post “Three Life Changing Lessons We Can Learn from Negativity,” our thinking forms our existence; “As a man thinketh so is he.” If we think negatively about something we will eventually embody that negativity and act accordingly.

It sounds deep because it is deep. It’s also a pretty simple concept as well. It is the reason why change comes when we change our environment and exposure. We act, think and feel better when we change the people we hang around. To think someone who believes we will fail is not going to impact our outcomes, is naïve… or arrogant. Guard your heart and guard your goals!

4. Be Confident

When embarking on the road to uncharted territory, understand this is not the time to be insecure or encumbered with concerns of what others are thinking about you. It is time, however to be decisive and an independent thinker. If nothing else, a trailblazer is a liberated, independent thinker. They do not allow the less bold or less creative to stop them from getting things done. They also do not allow those who are overly fearful to keep them from doing that which others are unfamiliar with.

There are also those individuals who fall into the realm of narcissism, jealousy or in today’s terms, “haters.” I am a guilty of being one who doesn’t want to admit that some people just don’t want you to get ahead. Be vigilant, be alert, and watch out for those who are purposely hoping for you to fail. Know who those people are so you can avoid their influences.

5. Be Bold

I have often said, that I don’t gamble but I will take risks. The
caveat for me, however is that I only take a risk on what my research or
knowledge confirms can be a sure thing. In this regard it can only be a
sure thing if I am creative, strategic and inclusive and confident
enough to make it a sure thing. What makes it a risk ultimately becomes
successfully navigating the resistance that rises up to maintain the
unnecessary norms that keep us living in the mundane. The mundane is
nothing more than that which literally sucks the life out of us while
lulling us into a lackadaisical stupor that tells us this is the way
it’s supposed to be, so we get used to it. Boldness makes us break out
of this state of mind and find freedom and growth; excitement and
refreshing… life!

Closing Thoughts

I read on one website that trailblazers are very competitive, ambitious, goal-oriented individuals who can be restless, aggressive steamrollers. I haven’t met such individuals. I have met regular people who exhibit a passion for better, who form a determination to make better happen. They forge these paths in spite of the opposition and resistance. Their fortitude and tenacity coupled with that desire to make things better for others is what makes them trailblazers in the real sense of the word.

I never sat down one day and said to myself, “Hey! I want to be a trailblazer,” and I don’t know if I can ever truly wear the same badge of honor that trailblazers wear, but if it emanates from making a difference in other people’s lives, I can certainly try. So can you!

Best Regards,

Photo by Misael Garcia from Pexels